Milling of plastic parts on a machining centre
Because emulsion would attack the plastic, until
the introduction of MQL, dry processing had been
used. However, this meant that the surface of
the finished product was often unsatisfactory.
Now the milling process is lubricated using one
nozzle. This has improved surface quality, and
has even made a gloss effect possible on some
types of plastic.
Milling in hardened tool steel (60 HRC) with
Mould making with a processing time of 3 hours
per workpiece. In the case of dry processing,
the edge life was not sufficient for one
workpiece. 2 MQL nozzles lubricate the milling
cutters and double the edge life. Thus, tool
replacement during processing operations is no
longer necessary.
Milling of ring T-nuts in surface plates (Ø up to 3,000
mm) of St52 constuction with
Lubrimat®. Because
of the size of the parts and the open construction,
flood cooling is not possible. Two nozzles lubricate the
milling cutters. There was a 100% increase in the edge
life compared to dry processing.
Milling of a compressor rotor made of alloyed steel with
a milling cutter Ø 250 mm
Compared to dry processing, the use of MQL resulted in
increased edge life, improved finished surfaces and a
reduction in the temperature of the workpiece.
Engraving coated aluminium sheets
Lubrimat®. Because
one nozzle lubricates the process, the workpiece remains
so clean that it can be painted directly without the
need for the components to be cleaned. Prior to the use
of MQL, flood cooling was used and all the workpieces
had to be washed.